Originally from Pasadena, Mahalah initially went to school to become a preschool teacher. During one of her favorite courses, her class did a two week intensive unit on language development and she was hooked. She spent time after class discussing it more in depth with her professor, who then pointed out that there is an entire field surrounding language development and communication. Her professor even printed out the application for the SLPA-AA program Pasadena City College offered and told Mahalah to fill it out. She expressed that “Mahalah’s desire to work with people of all ages and her love for language and communication development would make her soar as a SLPA!”
Mahalah is passionate about being a therapist and helping clients and their loved ones find their confidence to communicate.
When not working, Mahalah spends her free time with family, painting, reading, and binge watching Korean dramas with her family.